Sound Detection with Arduino

Learn to use a sound sensor to detect sound around you!

Written By: Cherie Tan

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Detect sound around you with a sound sensor.

In this guide, you will learn how to use a sound sensor with an Arduino, so that an LED turns on when sound is detected.

After completing this guide, you can incorporate sound detection in your next Arduino projects! 

Step 1 Connect the Sound Module to 5V

Connect the Sound Module to 5V.

Step 2 Connect the Sound Module to Ground

Connect the Sound Module to Ground

Step 3 Connect the Sound Module to A0

Connect the Sound Module to Analogue Pin 0.

Step 4 Uploading the Sound Sensor Code

int led = 13; // We are going to make Pin 13 LED blink
int threshold = 28; // Change this to the level you want the light to come on
int volume;

void setup() {
  pinMode(led, OUTPUT);

void loop() {

  volume = analogRead(A0); // Read the value from the Analog PIN A0


  if (volume >= threshold) {
    digitalWrite(led, HIGH); //Turn ON Led
  } else {
    digitalWrite(led, LOW); // Turn OFF Led

Copy the code and upload it to your Arduino.

Open the Serial Monitor to see the values you are getting in a quite room.
You may want to change the value of 'Threshold' so that when a loud sound is made the LED comes on.